Tokyo College

チャンネル登録者 1.1万
視聴回数 1,297回 / 推定収益 415
In 2018, the public toilet renovation project, “THE TOKYO TOILET (TTT)” commenced in Shibuya, Tokyo. Representing Japan and featuring 16 internationally renowned creators, including architects at the forefront, this project brought creativity and design to the often-overlooked realm of urban architecture – the public toilet. It successfully introduced new value to this object. In 2021, Mr. Yanai also initiated a new art film project to address the challenges of TTT and his debut production, “PERFECT DAYS”, earned the Best Actor award at the 2023 Cannes International Film Festival. Now the movie is currently being actively promoted for the Academy Awards. In this talk, Koji will explain why he embarked on the toilet project, what insights he gained, and why he produced a film at the end of those insights. Lecture YANAI Koji Director of the Board, Group Senior Executive Officer, Fast Retailing, UNIQLO Project Owner of THE TOKYO TOILET Producer of ‘‘PERFECT DAYS’’ Comment Miles PENNINGTON (Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo ) TAKAOKA Manami (Project Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences and Nursing, The University of Tokyo) TAKAHASHI Yoko (Photographer) Moderation HANEDA Masashi (Director, Tokyo College) 0:00 Opening remarks (HANEDA Masashi) 3:28  Lecture (YANAI Koji) 51:39 Comment (TAKAOKA Manami) 1:03:11 Comment (Miles PENNINGTON) 1:14:53 Comment (TAKAHASHI Yoko) 1:26:48 Round-table discussion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tokyo College invites leading researchers and intellectuals from around the globe to come together and engage in open discussions about the future of society. ・Subscribe to Mail Magazine 【メールマガジン登録】 ・Tokyo College Website 【東京カレッジウェブサイト】 ・Twitter ・Facebook


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