Tokyo College

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The UK, Japan and the "Free and Open International Order"
視聴回数 106回 / 推定収益 33
In May 2023, the Prime Ministers of Japan and the UK sealed "an enhanced UK - Japan global strategic partnership," pledging to strengthen "the free and open international order based on the rule of law."  Is this a realistic objective for two distant, mid-sized, island nations in an increasingly contested, volatile world?  How much can their partnership really contribute to international rulemaking or tackling global issues?  Can it indeed safeguard either party’s national security or prosperity?  How should we measure the results? Lecture Alastair MORGAN (Ushioda Fellow, Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo; Former British Ambassador to the DPRK 2015-2018) Comment FUJIWARA Kiichi (Professor & Special Advisor to the President, Chiba University; Visiting Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo) Moderator SHIMAZU Naoko (Professor, Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo) 0:00 Opening remarks (SHIMAZU Naoko) 4:37  Lecture (Alastair MORGAN) 48:50 Comment (FUJIWARA Kiichi) 1:05:47 Discussion (Alastair MORGAN and FUJIWARA Kiichi) 1:15:56 Q&A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tokyo College invites leading researchers and intellectuals from around the globe to come together and engage in open discussions about the future of society. ・Subscribe to Mail Magazine 【メールマガジン登録】 ・Tokyo College Website 【東京カレッジウェブサイト】 ・Twitter  / collegetokyo ・Facebook / utokyo.tokyocollege


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