宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる

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#宇宙 #宇宙の謎 #宇宙の真実 こんばんは、ゆめです。 今日は宇宙に存在する「生命が存在する可能性のある星」についてあなたとお話したいと思います!☆彡 どうかリラックスして私の声に耳をかたむけてください。 🌑専門家では無いため内容に誤りがあるかもしれません!もし誤りを見つけた場合はコメントで優しく教えていただけたらとても嬉しいです! 🌑少しでも気に入っていただけたら、高評価とチャンネル登録をしてくださったらとても感激します。今回の動画の感想や、こんなお話を聞いてみたいなどコメントをいただけたら嬉しいです😊 🌑画像等の引用元 This artist’s impression shows a sunset seen from the super-Earth Gliese 667 Cc. The brightest star in the sky is the red dwarf Gliese 667 C, which is part of a triple star system. The other two more distant stars, Gliese 667 A and B appear in the sky also to the right. Astronomers have estimated that there are tens of billions of such rocky worlds orbiting faint red dwarf stars in the Milky Way alone. credit:ESO/L. Calçada CC BY 4.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gliese_667_Cc_sunset.jpg This picture shows the sky around multiple star Gliese 667. The bright star at the centre is Gliese 667 A and B, the two main components of the system, which cannot be separated in this image. Gliese 667C, the third component, is visible as a bright star, very close and just under A and B, still in the glare of these brighter stars. The very subtle wobbles of Gliese 667C, measured with high precision spectrographs including HARPS, revealed it is surrounded by a full planetary system, with up to seven planets. Note that this image was assembled from two photographic plates taken years apart through different coloured filters. During that time, the motion of the nearby stars Gliese 667AB and C was sufficient for them to appear doubled in this picture, with one red and one blue image of each star.This picture also shows two regions of star formation, much further from Earth than Gliese 667. At the upper-left NGC 6357 is visible and towards the bottom of the picture NGC 6334 (The Cat’s Paw Nebula). credit:ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2. Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin CC BY 4.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_sky_around_the_star_Gliese_667.jpg The planetary system around Gliese 667C credit:ESO CC BY 4.0 https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB:The_planetary_system_around_Gliese_667C_ESO.jpg This artist’s impression shows the temperate planet Ross 128 b, with its red dwarf parent star in the background. This planet, which lies only 11 light-years from Earth, was found by a team using ESO’s unique planet-hunting HARPS instrument. The new world is now the second-closest temperate planet to be detected after Proxima b. It is also the closest planet to be discovered orbiting an inactive red dwarf star, which may increase the likelihood that this planet could potentially sustain life. Ross 128 b will be a prime target for ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope, which will be able to search for biomarkers in the planet's atmosphere. credit:ESO/M. Kornmesser CC BY 4.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Artist%27s_impression_of_the_planet_Ross_128_b.jpg 🌑以上のリンク以外の画像・音源・映像については、パブリックドメイン・フリー素材・課金して使用権があるものを使用しています。


宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる
宇宙の語り部 ゆめちゃんねる