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#1037 2022東海大 正20面体の1頂点に集まる面の数【数検1級/準1級/大学数学/中高校数学/数学教育】JJMO JMO IMO Math Olympiad Problems
視聴回数 803回 / 推定収益 256
【Overview】 Thank you for always watching the video! We will continue to offer information on mathematics, so please subscribe to our channel! The site aims to close the educational gap and provides most of its content for free. In order to support this system, please spread the word on social media and subscribe to this YouTube channel "The Fun World Of Mathematics" here. As long as this channel spreads, it will be possible to maintain operation without creating new paid content, and to further expand the content. Click Here To Register↓↓↓ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC505Nd1Iyy47iwBYhkx-idg?sub_confirmation=1 Membership Information Apply and Register Here ↓↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC505Nd1Iyy47iwBYhkx-idg/join ・For students who are preparing for university entrance exams, high school entrance exams, and mathematics tests. Students aiming for science and engineering at top-level universities and students aiming for difficult medical colleges. If you are interested in the university entrance exam questions and similar questions, other(different) answers, answers from university math, and questions and similar questions from Japan Mathematical Olympiad (JMO), please try to solve them. Also, even if your desired school is not listed above (such as commerce or economics), it is a must-see for students who want to stand out from their rivals in mathematics. For work requests, please use the email address below♪  [E-mail address] mathsos0221@gmail.com ・Individual Instruction(IN JAPANESE Language!!) If you have a PC with a camera online, you can use "individual lessons by Zoom" or "video distribution specializing in answering questions" to prepare for university entrance exams (we are teaching at all levels including difficult universities and medical schools), for junior high and high school students. High school mathematics individual instruction (credit acquisition, classes and preparation including university entrance exam measures), JMO preliminaries preparation guidance, and university level mathematics (Algebra, Calculus, Vector Analysis, Fourier Analysis, Laplace Transform, Differential Equation, We will support you in acquiring undergraduate credits for Complex Function Theory). Mathematics Olympiad JMO Preliminaries/Finals Questions https://www.imojp.org/domestic/jmo_overview.html#Problems Junior Mathematical Olympiad JJMO Preliminaries/Finals Questions https://www.imojp.org/domestic/jjmo_overview.html#Problems Junior high school mathematics, high school mathematics, university mathematics, mathematics Olympiad, university liberal arts mathematics, etc... are carefully explained by field, unit, and level. We also have back formulas that are not in the reference book. I try to explain the part between the lines of the reference book and the part of the leap as carefully as possible. When you think that you don't understand well even if you look at the reference book, you can see the details of the detailed discussion by watching the video of the unit. Definitely recommended for college entrance exams and later mathematics. Please subscribe to the channel and see if you have trouble with (difficult high school entrance exams), university entrance exam mathematics, university mathematics, etc. ・Requests to Viewers This channel does not have the intention of favoring a specific university, department, or organization. In addition, as the channel grows, comments such as sexual expressions, slander, and spam are increasing. We will delete/block any comments that we deem to be the above. いつも動画ご視聴ありがとうございます! 今後も、数学コンテンツも軸とした情報発信をしていこうと思いますので、是非チャンネル登録お願いします! 登録はコチラ↓↓↓ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC505Nd1Iyy47iwBYhkx-idg?sub_confirmation=1 メンバーシップのご案内  お申し込み、登録はコチラ↓↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC505Nd1Iyy47iwBYhkx-idg/join ・大学入試・高校入試や数学検定などを控えた受験生へ。 トップレベルの大学の理工系を目指す受験生や医学部難関校を目指す受験生。ここで提供する大学入試問題(過去問)とその類題・別解答・大学数学から俯瞰する解答などや、数学オリンピックJMOの問題・類題などにも興味を持ってぜひ解いてみてください。また志望校が上記以外(文系の商学・経済学など)であっても、ライバルに数学で差をつけたい生徒は必見です。 お仕事の依頼については下記メールアドレスより承っています♪ 個別指導の概要は以下↓↓↓ 【メールアドレス】mathsos0221@gmail.com ・個別指導について  自宅でカメラ付きPCがあれば「Zoomによる個別授業」を、または「質問対応専門の動画配信」で、大学入試対策(難関大、医学部を含めた全レベルで指導中)、中高生以下に対しての高校数学個別指導(単位取得、大学入試対策を含めた授業や予習)、JMO予選対策指導、および、大学レベルの数学(代数系全般、微積分、ベクトル解析、フーリエ解析、ラプラス変換、微分方程式、複素関数論)の学部単位習得についてご支援致します。 数学オリンピック JMO予選・本選 問題 https://www.imojp.org/domestic/jmo_overview.html#Problems ジュニア数学オリンピック JJMO予選・本選 問題 https://www.imojp.org/domestic/jjmo_overview.html#Problems 中学数学・高校数学・大学受験数学・数学オリンピック・大学教養数学 etc…を分野・単元別・レベル別に丁寧に解説しています。また、参考書にはない裏公式も用意しています。参考書の行間の部分、飛躍の部分を極力丁寧に解説を心掛けています。参考書を見てもよく分からないんだよな~と思ったときに、その単元の動画を一通り見てみると、細かい議論の細部も見えるかと思います。大学入試やその後の数学に絶対にお勧めです。 よろしければチャンネル登録をしておいて、(難関高校入試)、大学受験数学、大学数学等で困ったらご覧下さい。 ・視聴者様へのお願い 当チャンネルには特定の大学・学部や団体を贔屓する意図はございません。また、チャンネルが成長するに従い、性的表現、誹謗中傷、スパム等のコメントが増加しています。上記のものと判断したコメントは削除・ブロックさせて頂きます。ご了承下さい。


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