スイートチョコレート 80g
牛乳 30g
ラム酒 大さじ1(お好みで)
卵黄 3個
太白ごま油 30g
米粉または薄力粉 20g
アーモンドプードル 20g
ココアパウダー 20g
卵白 3個
砂糖 80g
Hello ☺Thank you for watching my video.
Today's recipe is for gateau au chocolat made with oil.
Since it does not use butter, it does not become hard even after cooling, and it turns out moist and delicious.
I recommend baking it the day after baking it, as the chocolate and rum will blend together.
▷Ingredients (15 cm dia.)
80 g sweet chocolate
30 g milk
1 tbsp rum (to taste)
3 egg yolks
30 g thick sesame oil
20 g rice flour or cake flour
20 g ground almonds
20 g cocoa powder
3 egg whites
80 g sugar
▷How to make:
1. Beat egg yolks with oil.
2. Combine melted chocolate, milk and rum. Add to 1) and mix.
3. Sift in the rice flour, ground almonds, and cocoa powder.
(If it is cold and the chocolate tends to harden, loosen the mixture by placing the whole bowl over a hot water bath.)
4. add sugar to the egg whites in 3 parts to make a meringue. Mix the meringue with the egg whites.
5. Pour the batter into the mold and bake in a preheated oven at 160℃ for 45-50 minutes.