Tokyo College

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Dialogues with UT7 Next Life Research Group - Dialogue 8
視聴回数 110回 / 推定収益 35
LI Chunyan, Laur KIIK, Cintia Kozonoi VEZZANI (Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo) discuss the research of Professor TABATA Kazuhito (Associate Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering) and reflect on the whole dialogue series in their concluding remarks. What constitutes groundbreaking research in a university setting? Tokyo College postdoctoral fellows will be conducting interviews with UTokyo Professors in the UT7 research group to find out how they are engaging in new forms of research driven by curiousity and ultimately contributing to the evolution of our understanding of life. What is UT7? UT7 is a new research organization formed by scientists from different departments and disciplines at The University of Tokyo. With their mission being to create a new “concept of life,” they are conducting research activities across all areas related to biological and social life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tokyo College invites leading researchers and intellectuals from around the globe to come together and engage in open discussions about the future of society. ・Subscribe to Mail Magazine 【メールマガジン登録】 ・Tokyo College Website 【東京カレッジウェブサイト】 ・Twitter ・Facebook


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