八重垣神社祇園祭は300年近い歴史のある祭りで、八重垣神社周辺10町から20基の神輿と囃子連が繰り出されます。 4日は全国的にも珍しい女性だけで担がれる女神輿渡御、5日は20基の神輿と囃子連が延々と連なる連合渡御が見どころ! 毎年8月4日・5日に開催されます。
I went to the Yokaichiba Yaegaki Shrine Gion Festival for the first time!
In the water-sprinkling zones in various places, the mikoshi and the photographers are soaking wet during the “water-throwing procession”, where water is splashed on the portable shrines and their bearers. Also, the unique shout of "anrya, doshita" was also characteristic. Let's take a look at the powerful Mikoshi.
The sequel is currently being edited, so please look forward to it!
The Yaegaki Shrine Gion Festival is a festival with a history of nearly 300 years, and 20 portable shrines and musical accompaniments are carried out from 10 towns around Yaegaki Shrine. On the 4th, the Mikoshi Togyo, which is rare in Japan and carried only by women, is on the 5th. It is held on August 4th and 5th every year.
撮影日 2023年8月5日
所在地 八重垣神社周辺 千葉県匝瑳市八日市場イ2940