Welcome, pet lovers! 🐾 In this video, we're exploring the exceptional world of Japanese pet products, bringing you a handpicked selection of the coolest and quirkiest items your pet will absolutely love. From the nutritional powerhouse of Japanese sweet potato treats for dogs, to revolutionary grooming tools that mimic a cat's tongue, and even a Pocari Sweat-inspired drink designed specifically for pets, we've got a plethora of treasures to share. 🐕 🐈
ペット愛好家の皆さん、ようこそ @KsyuhuLiveの ホームセンターシークレッツへ!
今回は、日本のペット用品の世界を探検!ペットが気に入るはず(!?)のユニークだったり風変わりなアイテムを厳選して紹介します。栄養満点の犬用サツマイモから、猫の舌を模した画期的なグルーミングツール、さらにはペット専用のスポーツドリンクまで!オーナーたちとの関係も垣間見れるシーンがたくさんあります、楽しんで見てくださいね!🐕 🐈
Micaela with Kit & Lon
Tokio with Lilit & Chloe
Douglas with Yamato
Andrew with King
Ravi & Makiko with Ace
No animals were harmed during the production of this video. On the contrary, they were pampered with food, indulged in belly scratches, treated to massages, and showered with praise to an almost embarrassing degree.
Thanks to all the pet owners and their superstar pets for appearing in this video:
- 00:00 - Meet Fujio, the Low-Maintenance Pet (Sony Aibo)
- 00:57 - Sweet Potato Snacks: A Veggie Treat Your Dog Will Love (ほっくり焼いも)
- 01:15 - Freeze Dried Tofu: A Nutritious Topper for Any Meal (フリーズドライのとうふ)
- 01:53 - Pon Churu: The Liquid Snack Cats Can't Resist (贅沢ぽんちゅ~る)
- 02:31 - Niboshi Toppers: Boost Your Dog's Meal with Dried Sardines (日本国産 減塩にぼしトッパー)
- 03:02 - Kanikama Toppers: Budget-Friendly and Irresistible (日本国産 カニカマトッパー)
- 03:15 - The Pink Pig Toy: A Squeaking Sensation (ラテックストイ ビッグピッグ)
- 03:48 - Cat Brush Glove: Groom and Pamper Your Feline (猫舌トロン2WAYグローブ)
- 04:14 - Cat Tongue Brush: Target the Tough Spots (猫舌とろん)
- 04:30 - Mafia Catnip: Your Cat's New Favorite Herb (マフィアのマタタビ)
- 05:13 - Marie Biscuit for Dogs: A Snack to Share (グラン・デリ マリービスケット ワンちゃん専用)
- 05:33 - Sasami Furikake: The Chicken Topper That's Easy to Mix (ササミふりかけ小粒タイプ)
- 06:17 - Pet Sweat: Hydration for Active Pets (ペットスエット)
Gooday x Kyushu Live - Home Center Secrets Episode 029
Filmed in September, 2023 in Itoshima. Prices and inventory subject to change
Gooday Website: https://gooday.co.jp/
There are 63 Gooday store locations in Fukuoka, Saga, Oita, Kumamoto, and Yamaguchi prefectures. https://gooday.co.jp/shop/
Creator & Producer: Nick Szasz
Director: Emiko Szasz
Video Editor: Kohji Shiiki