Hitachi Brand Channel

チャンネル登録者 7.3万
[Teaser] The Push for IR4.0 in Malaysia - Hitachi
視聴回数 8,174,741回 / 推定収益 2,615,917
Find out what the launch of the Smart Manufacturing Experience Centre (SMEC) in KL, Malaysia means for the push towards IR4.0 in the country.


[Short Ver.] 日立グループ 会社紹介映像 - 日立
Hitachi Brand Channel
[Long Ver.] Hitachi Group Corporate Video - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
[Short Ver.] Hitachi Group Corporate Video - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
「Hitachi Investor Day 2024」 CSO Introduction - 日立
Hitachi Brand Channel
"Hitachi Investor Day 2024" GlobalLogic's Generative AI Initiatives - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
Leading the Charge Toward Zero Emission Fleet Solutions with Penske - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
Web Conference on FY2023 Earnings and Progress of the Mid-term Management Plan 2024 - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
[Cuplikan] Masalah pertumbuhan di Asia Tenggara - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
[Trailer] Các vấn đề về môi trường ở Đông Nam Á - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
汎用デジタル窓口 - 日立
Hitachi Brand Channel