"primary"subscription :
未曽有の災禍に見舞われた2020年、それでも音楽は鳴りやむことはない… 進化し続けるulma sound junctionが提示する、新たな"原点" - "primary"は、新たな生活の中でも変わらずに、力強くあなたを導いてくれるだろう。
The world was hit by pandemic it had never experienced at 2020. But music and ulma sound junction will never stop. The new origin "primary" presented by them as they continue to evolve. They will guide for you powerfully in your new life.
■follow! ulma sound junction
web - http://ulmasoundjunction.com/
Music - https://songwhip.com/ulmasoundjunction
SNS - https://linktr.ee/ulmasoundjunction
■ulma sound junction is “Cinematic Core”
“シネマティックコア”ulma sound junction。この4者でしか成り立たない"ulmasound”は まさにワールドクラスと言えるポテンシャルを備えている。
ulma sound junction is a Japanese progressive rock band from Ishigaki island (Okinawa), Japan.
The unpredictable development and memorable melodies of this band’s "cinematic core" will instantly draw you into an overwhelming world.
The power of the vocal, skilled technique of the drums, and cool twin guitar arrangements are world-class level.