On March 5,2024. the 17th Japan International MANGA Award Ceremony was held at the Iikura Guest House, with Minister for Foreign Affairs KAMIKAWA Yoko, chairperson of the Japan International MANGA Award Executive Committee, attending.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan launched the Japan International MANGA Award in 2007 to honor manga artists, who have contributed to the promotion of manga overseas and to promote international cultural exchange through manga. Out of a record 587 entries from 82 countries and regions, both numbers being the highest, 15 works were selected this year, including one Gold Award winner (Taiwan) and three Silver Award winners (Hong Kong, Viet Nam, and Spain).
At the ceremony, Minister Kamikawa presented certificates of commendation to the creators of the Gold Award and Silver Award winning works, who were invited to Japan by The Japan Foundation, and Ms. SATONAKA Machiko, chairperson of the selection committee, presented trophies to each of them.
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