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路地裏さんぽ (@rojiura_sanpo) https://twitter.com/rojiura_sanpo?s=03
『都市空間に潜む排除と反抗の力』(編著/町村敬志 発行/明石書店)
https://mainichi.jp/articles/20180707/ddl/k26/040/390000c,毎日新聞,京都市内、水浸し 避難指示58万人超 北区・紙屋川増水、家屋が被害 /京都,2023/3/5
The other side of an alley so narrow that it is difficult for people to pass each other. There is a village called "illegal occupation" inside the sabo dam. A settlement inside the Kamiyagawa sabo dam that was formed during the chaotic post-war period. Walk through a squatter zone isolated from the surroundings.
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Back Alley Stroll (@rojiura_sanpo) https://twitter.com/rojiura_sanpo?s=03