不死と不運、世界の理に否定された2人が出会う時、新たな物語の幕が開く ―。
予測不能の“否”王道バトルマンガ 2023年 堂々のアニメ化!!
The anime adaptation of Undead Unluck by Yoshifumi Tozuka, the popular manga currently serialized in the “Weekly Shonen Jump” (SHUEISHA), is here!
Debuting in 2020, it placed #1 in the comics category of the "Next Coming Manga Award" the same year!
Experience the battles between those with special abilities called "Negators" in this epic tale of pure chaos.
An unlucky girl meets an undead guy! When the duo negated by the world meet, a new adventure begins.
The adaptation of the unpredictable battle manga, coming in 2023!!
アンディ:中村悠一、出雲風子:佳原萌枝、シェン:花江夏樹、ボイド:乃村健次、ジーナ:悠木碧、ジュイス:伊瀬茉莉也、ビリー:小山力也、タチアナ:釘宮理恵、トップ:岡本信彦、ニコ:遊佐浩二、アポカリプス:杉田智和 ほか
#アンデッドアンラック #アンデラ #undeadunluck #中村悠一 #佳原萌枝