Hitachi Brand Channel

チャンネル登録者 7.3万
The urgent need for digital transformation: how Hitachi co-created solutions with customers -Hitachi
視聴回数 43,322,986回 / 推定収益 13,863,355
COVID-19 has brought about a new set of challenges as people around the world adjust to the "new normal". The pandemic has also accelerated the need for companies to digitalise many work processes. Watch how Hitachi co-created solutions with our customers by using our expertise in both OT x IT, and how we can work together with you on your journey to digital transformation.


[Short Ver.] 日立グループ 会社紹介映像 - 日立
Hitachi Brand Channel
[Long Ver.] Hitachi Group Corporate Video - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
[Short Ver.] Hitachi Group Corporate Video - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
「Hitachi Investor Day 2024」 CSO Introduction - 日立
Hitachi Brand Channel
"Hitachi Investor Day 2024" GlobalLogic's Generative AI Initiatives - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
Leading the Charge Toward Zero Emission Fleet Solutions with Penske - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
Web Conference on FY2023 Earnings and Progress of the Mid-term Management Plan 2024 - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
[Cuplikan] Masalah pertumbuhan di Asia Tenggara - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
[Trailer] Các vấn đề về môi trường ở Đông Nam Á - Hitachi
Hitachi Brand Channel
汎用デジタル窓口 - 日立
Hitachi Brand Channel