🔴 LIVE: 博多祇園山笠 - 流舁き Day 10 of Yamakasa 2024 - NAGAREGAKI - the first run!
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動画概要文Join us for an action-filled livestream as we cover the first Kakiyama practice run of Yamakasa 2024! This thrilling event sees teams carrying their impressive floats through their districts, with some starting as early as 3:00 PM, though most begin at 5:00 PM. We'll explore the action from different districts, showcasing these spectacular floats in daylight. Additionally, we'll visit some shops specializing in Yamakasa merchandise, giving you an inside look at the festival preparations. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience the "yama" floats in their full glory!
OUR FULL GUIDE to Yamakasa 2024 is here:
MORE Yamakasa Livestreams on Kyushu Live!
7/11(木)朝山笠 / Asayama ) 4:30 AM
7/15(月祝)追い山笠 / Oiyama 4:45 AM
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About Kyushu Live:
Welcome to Kyushu Live, brought to you by the team behind "Fukuoka Now." Led by Canadian publisher Nick Szasz and Emiko Szasz, we're passionate about showcasing the beauty, culture, and history of Kyushu. Join us as we explore hidden gems and share the unique stories of this vibrant region. Your likes, comments, and subscriptions fuel our adventures and help us connect with Kyushu enthusiasts around the world.
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Kyushu Live Japan
チャンネル登録者 5750人 / 視聴回数 1,976,248回
Exploring & Connecting Kyushu! / 九州からライブストリーミング配信。『Kyushu Live』は世界中の福岡、九州ファンを繋ぎます! 九州ライブ
Welcome to Kyushu Live, your one-stop destination to uncover the beauty, charm, and soul of Kyushu. Born out of the "Fukuoka Now" initiative, we are a tight-knit publishing unit dedicated to curating and presenting the vibrant culture, history, and lifestyle of Fukuoka and Kyushu to the world.
Being an international team of media experts based in Kyushu, we bring a blend of global perspectives and deep local insights. We aim to take you on an unforgettable exploration journey, bringing the hidden gems of Kyushu to the forefront and connecting you with the heart and soul of our beloved region. Welcome aboard!
Munenori Kawasaki Interview in Fukuoka / 川﨑宗則 / Back in Japan
動画概要文福岡ソフトバンクホークスの川崎宗則選手に英語でインタビュー! Munenori Kawasaki of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks gave his first interview in English since returning to Japan on June 22nd at the Fukuoka Yahuoku! Dome to Fukuoka Now. Kawasaki, who was born in Kagoshima, played for the Hawks in Fukuoka from 2003 to 2011. He then jumped to the Major Leagues playing for the Seattle Mariners in 2012 and then for the Toronto Blue Jays in 2013, 2014, and 2015 before moving to the Chicago Cubs (2016) and then back home to Fukuoka this spring. Kawasaki talks about his good times in the Majors, especially in Toronto, where he became a favorite amongst the fans, players and media for his fun-loving character. In this video Kawasaki sends out his greetings not only to Blue Jay fans but to all Canadians celebrating Canada 150th Anniversary on July 1st.
Fukuoka Canada Day
Kawasaki will not be able to attend the Fukuoka Canada Day party but he sends his wishes. If you’re in Fukuoka do drop by! Sat., July 1, 2017 (3pm~10pm) @ Tenjin Monolith, Fukuoka
トロントブルージェイズ、シカゴカブスを経て、福岡ソフトバンクホークスへ帰ってきた川崎宗則選手(鹿児島出身)。特にトロントでは「笑いとボディランゲージを加えた片言の英語で一生懸命コミュニケーションをとれる彼には言葉の壁はない」と評され、チームメイトや現地のファンから愛され高い人気を得た。MLB公式動画サイトでは、「2015年シーズンに最もファンやリーグを盛り上げた選手」として「最高の賞として“川崎宗則賞”を贈る」と讃えられ、川崎選手が受けたインタビュー動画は歴史に残るインタビューとして紹介され、世界での知名度を一気に上げた。2017年6月22日、北米でも福岡でも人気者の川崎選手に、福岡の外国語メディア「Fukuoka Now」編集長ニック・サーズ(トロント出身)がインタビュー。150周年を迎えるカナダデー(カナダの建国記念日)に向けたメッセージもお見逃しなく!
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2017年7月1日(土) 15:00〜22:00 @天神モノリス
特別前売券はロブスター&Tim Hortonsアイスコーヒーが付いた
Seven Stars in Kyushu, Japan - The Ultimate Train Experience! ななつ星 in 九州
New Gundam Statue Unveiled at LaLaport Fukuoka - The Tallest Gundam!
🔴LIVE: 博多祇園山笠2023 - 追い山笠 / Oiyama - Yamakasa Festival Finale 2023!