【シエル&メイルちゃんねる】です🎵パピヨンのシエル、ポメラニアンのメイルと共に多頭飼いの生活、東京 お台場を中心に 犬と行ける、楽しめる場所などをお伝えしています♪
〇Instagram @puchiciel
This is Ciel & Mar Channel 🎵🎵We are Ciel, a Papillon, and Mar, a Pomeranian, and we are sharing information about our life as a multi-pet household, places we can go and enjoy with our dogs around Odaiba, Tokyo♪
〇Instagram @puchiciel
We hope you will visit us on Instagram♪ YouTube We hope you will also visit us on YouTube 💛 We hope that everyone who watches it will have a chuckle 💛 We hope that everyone who watches it will have a chuckle